• Question: as a kid did you play with toy robots and remote control cars

    Asked by harburn vlogger to James on 8 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: James Harpur

      James Harpur answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      I played with toy robots, remote control cars but all toys really.

      I didn’t play with making robotics at a young age, no. I wouldn’t worry if you haven’t done anything related to it before. I didn’t make my first robot until I was 21 at a robotics workshop, and it was with a Lego Mindstorm kit. My boss now is the guy who ran that workshop.

      Never too late to start with anything. If you’re interested in making robots or remote control cars, why don’t you look into getting an Arduino or RaspberryPi set. They’re a great start

      Good luck and thanks for the question
