• Question: at what age did you get into robotics and do you like what you do

    Asked by ylonah to James on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: James Harpur

      James Harpur answered on 6 Mar 2017:


      Thanks for the question.

      I was doing a summer program in 2012 with the International Space University at the NASA Kennedy Space Center. As part of the program, there was an option to do a workshop on space robotics that went on for a week ending in a competition. I didn’t have a clue about robotics but decided to give it a go. Loved the workshop and have enjoyed robotics since. Funnily enough, I now work for the guy who ran that workshop as we kept in touch after that. Take that as a lesson to not worry if you don’t know anything, being in the deep end is the best way to learn.

      And I love what I do. I love space and would highly recommend it to anyone. I wake up every morning without the dread of going into work. I go in and make things that go into space so there’s a massive job satisfaction that comes from it. There’s so much to do and you are constantly learning.

