• Question: If you lived in space for four years and you ran out of food but you were going to live there for another year, would you have to go back down to planet earth to get more food and then go back up to space or would you be able to get food stock up in space or get food stock off any close nearby planets?

    Asked by 622spch28 to Dominic, James, Jenny, Kevin, Norah on 13 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Dominic Doyle

      Dominic Doyle answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      There are two possibilities available right now for Astrnauts on the International Space Station:
      1) Food and supplies are sent up regularly by unmanned supply craft
      2) Grow your own food on board – this is not yet advanced enough, but we are working on it.
      Oh and there’s another possibility – recycling human waste to fertilise the growing of a special type of Algae that can be used as food. We are woking on this to create a self-sustaining life support system.

